Only RUN Mobile Google Pixel, Google Pixel XL and Samsung Galaxy S8
Augmented reality platform for Android. Augmented reality (also called mixed).
That is to say, it allows to superimpose a virtual object, seen in the screen, with the real environment that takes the camera of the telephone (or other device): a objecys in the sidewalk of house; A sofa that we thought to buy located (with the real proportions) in the living room; A pair of eyeglasses (or a hat) on our face to see if it suits us.
Sadece RUN Mobil Google Piksel Google Piksel XL ve Samsung Galaxy S8
Android için Artırılmış gerçeklik platformu. gerçeklik Augmented (aynı zamanda karışık olarak adlandırılır).
Yani telefon makinesini (veya başka bir cihaz) alır gerçek ortamda ekranda görülen sanal bir nesneyi, üst üste sağlar, demek ki: evin kaldırım bir objecys; Biz oturma odasında (gerçek oranlarla) bulunduğu satın düşünülen bir kanepe; çok uygun bir eğer bizim yüzünde gözlük bir çift (veya bir şapka) görmek için.
Only RUN Mobile Google Pixel, Google Pixel XL and Samsung Galaxy S8
Augmented reality platform for Android. Augmented reality (also called mixed).
That is to say, it allows to superimpose a virtual object, seen in the screen, with the real environment that takes the camera of the telephone (or other device): a objecys in the sidewalk of house; A sofa that we thought to buy located (with the real proportions) in the living room; A pair of eyeglasses (or a hat) on our face to see if it suits us.